Erik Jaråker film production




Hey I’m Erik. I love jazz, surf culture and yoga.

Born and raised in Sweden. Always on the move, skateboarding on my hometown pavement, snow surfing in the Scandinavian mountains or falling through the autumn sky from an airplane with Bodhi, Hermann Hesse and Bruce Lee as the biggest role models. As soon as I could I took off for India, Nepal and Tibet, travels that made big impressions on a young man’s heart. Every winding road is an inner journey. 

With a background in education and many years teaching history, religion and geography I left the classroom for Ed-tech(Education Technology)industry and worked for Microsoft, Advania and others. 

Wave gliding in Indonesia.

Parallel I started this production company but the new career abruptly stopped January 2017 by a surfboard splitting my cheekbone on the island of Lombok, Indonesia. After surgery and months of physical and psychological healing, I got back in the saddle. The knowledge of how fragile life can be made me even more focused.

Wanting to craft good stories for good people and brands. Here I am today sharing my dreams, creativity and videography helping people to tell their unique story.





Erik Jaråker

Edsviksvägen 50

19145 Sollentuna



T: +46730274650

I’m looking forward to talk to you!